Off With Her Head
Monday, May 16, 2011
The History of the Guillotine
1307 According to Holinshed’s Chronicles published in 1577, this guillotine like machine was used at the execution of Murcod Ballagh near to Merton in Ireland 1/4/1307.
1400 | The Halifax Gibbet, a precursor to the guillotine was used in Halifax, England, at executions on market-days. May have functioned as early as 1280. The last execution with the Halifax gibbet took place in 1648. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1564 | The Maiden was constructed and used in Scotland. It was based on the Halifax Gibbet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1789 | 10/10/1789 On the second day of the Assembly debate about the Penal Code, Dr. Guillotin submitted a proposition in six articles which included a recommendation that death, without the accompaniment of torture and by means of decapitation, should become the sole and standard form of capital punishment in France. 1/12/1789 Dr. Guillotin present his six articles for the second time. 1. Offences of the same kind will be punished by the same kind of penalty. 2. In all cases where the law imposes the death penalty on an accused person, the punishment shall be the same, whatever the nature of the offence of which he is guilty; the criminal shall be decapitated; this will be done solely by means of a simple mechanism. 3. In view of the personal character of crime, no punishment of a guilty person shall involve and discredit to his family. The honour of those belonging to him shall be in no way soiled, and they shall continue to be no less admissible to any kind of profession, employment and public function. 4. No one shall reproach a citizen with any punishment imposed on one of his relatives. Whosoever ventures to do so shall be publicly reprimanded by the judge. The sentence imposed on him shall be written up on the offender's door. Moreover, it shall be written up on the pillory and remain there for a period of three months. 5. Confiscation of the condemned person's property shall in no case be imposed. 6. The corpse of an executed man shall be handed over to his family on their request. In every case, he shall be allowed normal burial and no reference shall be made on the register to the nature of his death. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1791 | 3/6/1791 The Assembly approved a text providing that "Every person condemned to the death penalty shall have his head severed". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1792 | 10/4/1792 Roederer (Procureur général syndic) and Tobias Schmidt (a German harpsichord maker) reached a happy accord: 960 francs was to cover the cost of manufacturing the machine, the sum moreover providing for a leather bag in which to dispose of the severed head. 11/4/1792 It was on this Friday afternoon, the first real guillotine was set up, in the Cour du Commerce, rue Saint-André-des-Arts. It was tried out on sheep and calves. The blade was not the oblique one yet. It may have been curved like that of an axe, or even straight. Tobias Schmidt the maker of this prototype, had his workshop there, just opposite the printing office in number 8, where Marat had Ami du Peuple printed. 15/4/1792 The first test on human corpses at a combined hospital, prison and old peoples home, at Bicêtre. 3 cadavers were beheaded successfully. 19/4/1792 Guidon went out to Bicêtre to fix the newly conceived blade in position. 21/4/1792 The improved machine was again tried out at Bicêtre. Three corpses were carefully selected from the military hospital in order to obtain, if possible, well-built men who had died in an accident or of some short illness which had not caused them to grow thin. 25/4/1792 Nicolas-Jacques Pelletier was executed on the place de Grève. Sanson operated the machine in dead earnest for the first time. It was not well received by the crowd who called for the return of the gallows. 5/6/1792 The architect Giraud submitted his report requested by Roederer. The report said: "Although well conceived in itself, it has not been perfected to the fullest possible extent. The grooves, the tongues and the gudgeons are of wood; the first should be made of brass, the others of iron; the hooks to which are attached the cords holding up the mouton are only fixed with round-headed nails; they should be fixed with strong nuts and bolts." 21/8/1792 The guillotine was installed at the place du Carroussel, where it stayed until May 7th 1793 with some interruptions, such as the execution of the king, which took place at Place de la Révolution Illustration shows the document which accompanied each of the machines supplied to the provinces in 1792
The Constuction of the Giullotine in 1792
The first guillotine was not as nice as the one that followed two years later. The guillotine that they made in 1792 was made of red painted wood. When they were done they thought that all the grooves had to lined with metal. The wooden grooves could become swollen and and then the mouton would not fall freely.
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Time Line of the Guillotine
1789- Dr. Guillotine proposed the idea that they use the machine to make executing people easier.
1792- The device was first used on Nicolas Jacques Pelletier, and then the usage was spread across Europe.
1793- People did not think that the guillotine was the best way to execute people. Then later during the French Revolution the machine was used. Then later that year in October Marie Antoinette was executed by the guillotine.
1794- A man named Robespierre had sent many people to the guillotine and in 1794 he met the same fate.
1792- The device was first used on Nicolas Jacques Pelletier, and then the usage was spread across Europe.
1793- People did not think that the guillotine was the best way to execute people. Then later during the French Revolution the machine was used. Then later that year in October Marie Antoinette was executed by the guillotine.
1794- A man named Robespierre had sent many people to the guillotine and in 1794 he met the same fate.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Guillotine Had A NickName?
Many people thought that calling it the guillotine was bad and that in the end they would have there own head chopped off, so they came up with a nickname for it. The name that was most used was "Madame la Guillotine". A lot of people would say "You have a date with Madame la Guillotine". That was not very nice, that was saying that ladies killed people. Even though the guillotine also killed many woman and children.
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